
所以这俩歌是电影里the meadow song and the hanging tree的前身

算是country-blues或者countery-western?电影里用的是appalachian folk music

Down in the Valley (另一个名字更telling, Birmingham jail,对,where Martin Luther KingJr. wrote his open letter against racism in 1963)

Down in the valley valley so low
Hang your head over hear the wind blow
Hear the wind blow dear hear the wind blow
Hang your head over hear the wind blow

Roses love sunshine violets love dew
Angels in heaven know I love you
Know I love you dear know I love you
Angels in heaven know I love you

If you don't love me love whom you please
Throw your arms 'round me give my heart ease
Give my heart ease love give my heart ease
Throw your arms round me give my heart ease

Build me a castle forty feet high
So I can see him as he rides by
As he rides by love as he rides by
So I can see him as he rides by

Write me a letter send it by mail
Send it in care of Birmingham jail
Birmingham jail love Birmingham jail
Send it in care of Birmingham jail

Strange Fruit (这个一定要听Billie Holiday的版本,犹太人写的歌,唱的是私刑杀黑人)

Southern trees bear strange fruit
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees

Pastoral scene of the gallant south
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh

Here is fruit for the crows to pluck
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop

Here is a strange and bitter crop

所以The Hunger Games里小孩子唱的歌其实都有civil rights的背景。电影根本没用Down in the Valley,另起炉灶写了Deep in the Meadow,把anti-racisism给tone down下去了,还有Taylor Swift来唱Safe and Sound,好像还有个Sting版的Deep in the Meadow。The Hanging Tree其实也完全可以invoke Strange Fruit,然而也是没有。其实小说里说十一十二区的孩子都黑乎乎的,但男女主毫无疑问地用了白人,就算是Rue用了黑妹妹,也有傻逼粉丝protest,更可笑地是我问学生:为啥Rue不能做the face of the revolution?她们就异口同声地叫不行啊!我问为啥不行啊?她们说哎呀那是个黑妹妹啊!然后她们自己都明白了--wft this is racisim! 

